Saturday, April 05, 2008

Various thoughts

I have never been one to play nine holes of golf on my own, or even contemplate a golf vacation without friends...but some people relish the experience. Many travelers to the British Isles would not travel in any other fashion. Many people enjoy the unique opportunity to meet new friends around the world on the links courses. By definition you are far more likely to mix with the locals and other travelers if you are not ensconced in your group of 8 golfers from your home club. A pleasant conversation with the starter or golf pro and before you know it, you may be striding down the first fairway with the local butcher and Club Champion. Over the years I have come to respect the role of the group leader as it can be fraught with frustrations, trying to get your group together is akin to herding 8 cats into a wheelbarrow...and for some, it is simply not worth the effort.

Guys are probably all guilty of the last minute purchase in the airport on the way home...well, at least I have heard my friends the question is, how do you locate a better gift for the spouses than a bottle of perfume? Plan ahead is the short answer. Ask the Concierge in your hotel. Make an effort to identify products in advance of your trip that would be appreciated and are native to your destination, e.g. New Zealand lambswool. Be sure to carve out time in your schedule so that you can shop in a reasonable fashion as opposed to a mad rush on your last day. While I will not claim to be a shopper, one of the most enjoyable shopping experiences was in Lijang, China as there were so many interesting and unique options available.

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